
The Future

For many reasons, I'm having to move and set up a new shop. It means that I am without editting ability for the mean time. I hope to be up and running again very soon, but I figured it best to let folks know before I get questions to my absence.

But know this, IHAO will be back. And better than ever.


IHAO Special: The Christmas Story

Merry Christmas, everyone.

Rundown of TLC coming soon, as well as Part 2 of the Christmas Tape!


I Have an Opinion ... on BBC's Voyage of the Dawn Treader

It is beginning to look a lot like Winter.  And to start things off, an IHAO on a C. S. Lewis classic.


VLOG: The Warrior's Way

My thoughts on the new movie Warrior's Way, plus a greeting to new folks and a bit of talk about the future.


VLOG: Tangled

With the site upgrade, I figured I should put up another video.  Booya.  My thoughts on Disney's Tangled.


New Layout

As you can see, I've made some changes.

In my attempts to further make this site, and this show, better and better, I got some very honest and constructive criticism about how poorly the site worked.  So together, we tweaked and fixed and pruned and BAM!  Much better site.

Thank you, Artur.

So booyaka booyaka, things are rolling!  See you guys next week with a new IHAO.


VLOG: Thanksgiving and Faster

Some thoughts on how things have come, being thankful, and the new Dwayne "the Rock" Johnson movie.


I Have an Opinion ... on Monster Squad / Van Helsing

With two movies about the Universal Monsters to pick from, how can this possibly backfire?


VLOG: WWE Survivor Series

The worst PPV of the year ... and you get to see Deewun explode on camera for your pleasure about it.

Part 1

Part 2


VLOG: Knucklehead

WWE Films' newest Straight to DVD outing, staring the Big Show.  I got an advance copy, so I give you guys my thoughts.


I Have an Opinion ... on See No Evil

IHAOctober ended up only being two videos, and for that I am sorry, viewers.  But I think you will enjoy this video, and I still plan on doing the others as promised.  So enjoy!


VLOG: WWE Bragging Rights

WWE Bragging Rights was last Sunday.  Does the WWE have anything to brag about?

Part 1 - the Undercard
(NOTE: Apparently there are some problems with part 1 loading.  It will eventually load, apparently, but for some reason takes a few minutes to get going.  I'll see what I can do to fix this weird glitch.)

Part 2 - the Uppercard


IHAO Shorties: Ren Faire

IHAOctober and the HORROR of a ... Music Video?  And a Banana Ninja?!


IHAOctober Prologue

BWhahhaHAfhahjaHAahaAHWHoooHehehHAhaahaAH *coughhack* I am back ... WITH A VENGEANCE!  Check out what's coming for the rest of this month.


VLOG: WWE Hell in a Cell

My thoughts on Hell in a Cell, as well as an update on myself, the main show, and looking for a little feedback.

Part 1

Part 2


VLOG: WWE Night of Champions

After all sorts of crazy technical problems with blip, my thoughts are up.  I go off book a little about wrestling theory, and my personal pet peeves with the IWC (Internet Wrestling Community), but it gets to the meat of the show, too.  I hope you wrestling fans enjoy.  And I hope you non-wrestling fans enjoy, too.

Part 1

Part 2


Fun Fact - Raw experienced its lowest ratings since November 17th, 2008.  Yeah.  Like I said, this PPV is stuck in time, and didn't give ANYTHING to build from.  So no one tuned in.  Proof in the pudding, I dare say.


VLOG: Double Feature - Easy A & Devil

Whew.  New stuff up, with more to come!  See what I thought of two bigs movies that came out this weekend.


IHAO Shorties: Wristbands

New show!  A short, humorous, PG show reviewing just about anything I damn well please.  Hope you enjoy!


I Have an Opinion ... on Guyver pt. 2

Part 2, featuring the most badass fights and one of the greatest sequels of all time.


I Have an Opinion ... on Little Nemo

Stuck in a dream himself, will Deewun ever be able to review a good movie?


VLOG: The Other Guys

Wanna know what I thought about the newest Adam McKay/Will Farrell movie?  Just click above.


I Have an Opinion ... on Dungeons and Dragons

The rolled a "1" when they made this crapfest.

This review features an adult using adult language.

Edit: Today, it has been one month since I started this project.  And I feel good.  REAL good.  My output is surprisingly high, even higher than I thought I would have:

 - 5 IHAOs in one month
 - 3 VLOGs, two of which are current movie reviews
 - 1 new show, with two episodes that is a weekly show

And that's not even all of it.  More is to come, with two other shows I want to do (though I suspect one will be rolled into IHAO instead of being a separate entity), more vlogs, and consistent IHAOs (I'm shooting for 4 a month).  Thanks everyone that has supported me so far, and I hope I continue to entertain.  Please, bookmark, and share, and let's see where IHAO is in one MORE month.

~ Deewun


I Have an Opinion ... on Snoopy, Come Home

The first, but I'm sure not the last, entry in the IHAO series that truely makes me vehemently angry, as we watch Snoopy fight the proletariat ... or something like that.  


I Have an Opinion ... on Superman

After much toil and strife, finally this one is finished and up.  Thank you for being patient.  The next will not take this long.


VLOG: The Sorcerer's Apprentice

Having some technical difficulties mixed with writer's block that is putting me a bit behind schedule.  But I did get to check out Sorcerer's Apprentice.


Tentative Schedule

I don't like putting down in specifics what I'm going to do, as things are always subject to change, but as for the next few "I Have an Opinion"s, this is my tentative Schedule:

- IHAO ... on Superman (a review of the 1988 Ruby-Spears Superman cartoon)
- IHAO ... on Snoopy Come Home (a review of the Peanuts movie of the same name)
- IHAO ... on Dungeons and Dragon (a review of the film, but I'm sure you can expect me to talk about the game as well.)

There will also be some VLOGs, and perhaps the first "Review This!" as well as the first "Top Arbitrary Number".


I Have an Opinion ... on Ewoks pt. 2

The last half of my two-parter entry into the world of internet entertainment!  Enjoy.


IHAO Quickie - Daybreakers

Just rented Daybreakers.  This was a solid movie ...

That I've seen before when it was called Equilibrium.  And that I've seen before when it was called The Matrix.  And all the other myriad times we've seen something similar.  You know the drill, it's the future, the world is changing.  Our main character shows signs that he may want things to go back to being what human really is.  He meets some people who ARE Human again.  Together, they want the entire world to go back to being Human again.  Climactic battle with high death toll.  Lots of symbolism and power shots.  Done and done.

Now, there isn't anything wrong with this movie being so similar to others.  It does things very well.  It is a very intriguing, science fiction look at Vampires.  And it has PERFECT timing, coming out now that vampires are the new zombies.  Hell, the main character's name is Edward.

But this isn't anything new.  If you like those kinds of movies, check this out.  If you like vampries, check it out.  It is definitely worth a rent, at least.  But that's just my opinion.



I Have an Opinion ... on Ewoks pt. 1

The very first episode of I Have an Opinion!  I hope you enjoy.

VLOG: the Beginning

A VLOG, first of many, giving a little behind-the-camera information.